Work With Me

I work with folks one-on-one through video calls.

We’ll go deep each week to help you have more time,

fulfillment, and success in your life with way less stress and overwhelm.

You deserve a life that feels good.

If you’re interested in being supported through this type of work, book a free consult call to see if we’re a good fit to work together.

On the consult call we’ll talk about your goals.

I’ll help you understand why you haven’t hit them yet or what’s blocking you from getting started.

Then, I’ll walk you through the process that we’ll use to help you hit your goals, make the changes you want, and generally get whatever result you want over the course of us working together.

You don’t need to prepare anything for the call, and regardless of whether you choose to work with me you’ll have a ton more clarity at the end of the call than when you got on. You’ll also have a definitive next step to take to get you closer to achieving your goals.

It’s a total win-win.

Payment plans are available, and I reserve 25% of my 1:1 spots for sliding scale clients.

Still a little scared to book a call? Totally normal! It’s a big deal to talk to someone about changing your life.

But it’s also super fun.

Read on below to see some of the amazing results my other clients have created!

Coaching Testimonials

“Working with Laura has truly changed my life. In less than one year, I was able to increase net revenue in my business over 73%. That part is awesome, but it was done with less stress, anxiety, fear, and doubt than I thought was possible. Now THAT is the part that is life changing. A lot of the books I read give me information to make a transformative change – Laura gave me the tools to actually do it. Then she walked with me, encouraged me, talked me off ledges, and celebrated with me. She’s a great communicator, and even better listener. I’m so grateful we crossed paths!”


“Laura will help you create connection with yourself in a way you’ve never experienced before. Not only can she cut to your true issue (it’s never what we think it is), she’ll help you connect the dots and understand what you need to do next. Time management may be her superpower, but her soul’s power will open your capacity to design and live the life your heart desires.”


“Before working with Laura, I struggled for most of my life to perform consistently with confidence which, as a result, caused me to underestimate my personal value in the world.

I tried tons of media like audiobooks, podcasts, articles, etc. I tried counselors. I tried friends and family. I even tried mentally powering through myself. In the end, I could not stay consistently confident.

The recommendation for Laura came from an unexpected place. She was recommended to me by my primary care physician. He said, “I’ll give you the $60 per hour recommendation and the ‘shoot for the stars’ recommendation.” I made the decision to “shoot for the stars.”

At the end of our first discovery session, I was ready to sign with Laura. And frankly, I knew within the first 10 minutes that she was going to be the right coach.

If you’ve struggled to consistently be confident in delivering your value to the world, I can’t recommend Laura’s coaching enough.”


“I began working with Laura during one of my most challenging cycles of work to date. It was hard to imagine anything could help me reduce the stress or find more time in my schedule again. Back then, Laura was working full-time as an engineer, writing her dissertation, running her coaching practice and coaching clients, and raising children. I thought if anyone can teach me a thing or two about managing a busy schedule it’s going to be her. 

Sure enough, I was right. Laura leads by example first and foremost- embodying joy and relaxation in all that she does, but she also provides the kind of honed in, direct but supportive coaching that makes you feel both understood and held accountable. I’m proud to say I see my work and schedule in a far different light now than ever before, creating the time for workouts, relaxation, massages and so much more. Words aren’t sufficient to describe the experience of getting coached by Laura- it is quite literally a bit of magic.”  


“When I started working with Laura – I had completely lost control of my time. My work schedule was grueling, and due to the stress – I never felt fully present to be able to enjoy the areas of my life that were most important to me. From the outside, I looked like someone who had it all together and continued to achieve major career milestones – but I wasn’t truly happy and was quickly burning out.

I cannot believe how much my life has changed in just 6 short months. Laura helped me to shift my entire mindset around the way that I approach my days – from overcoming the imposter syndrome that led to overwork to finding time to exercise to being more focused and present with my kids. She helped me examine every area of work and personal life and held me accountable to creating a life that I’m very excited about. Every woman should give themselves the gift of this coaching experience and the opportunity to meaningfully change their life.”


“I’ve been meeting with Laura every other week for almost two years now. During this time, I have excelled tremendously in my career and personal well-being. She has seen me through 3 promotions (!) and guided me during the up-leveling process every time. Under her coaching, I have increased my productivity, guided my own team into becoming more productive and effective, worked through tough situations, and broke through mental blocks and negative thought patterns. I think the biggest thing is the way Laura coaches – she is compassionate and understanding (she gets what it’s like to be a woman and female leader in a male-dominated workplace) but she asks the right questions to challenge me to view my circumstances in a new light. She doesn’t just give you generic answers or strategies that you could learn elsewhere but never apply, she really pushes you to grow by guiding you on how to find the solution yourself. Laura is such a grounding presence and I feel like I can always lean on her when times are tough – she really has your back. She reminds me to give myself permission to just try things, to fail, reflect, and try again, to give myself grace when times are tough, and of course, celebrate my wins. Every time we get off our call, I am revved up to implement the strategies Laura had coached me through and am reminded how grateful I am that I have her in my corner.”


“Working with Laura set me back on track in a career I was on the verge of leaving even after having worked 10+ years to get there. Riddled with anxiety and compounded by workflow inefficiencies, I had panic attacks near daily. Through the 6 months we worked together I transformed into a self-assured, calm, and determined individual who could find joy in my work and in myself. I’m incredibly indebted to Laura and to the person who referred me to her. Her professionalism, intellect, kindness, positive energy, and vast tool kit have given me my life back. Best money I ever spent.”


“I’ve had a full year to put into practice the things I’ve learned with Laura and it has served me so well in life. When I first started coaching with Laura, my life felt chaotic, aimless, and unfulfilling. A year later and I have never felt more content or at peace. Things aren’t perfect and admittedly this 5th lockdown sucks yet again. Coping is so much easier though. Letting those big feelings flow through lets me get it out and gives me space for the happier ones. Not trying to control everything leaves less room for upset. Working on my manifestations has helped me just put some faith in the universe that what’s meant to be is going to work out and that I just need to do the little consistent things that will help bring it to life. When I catch myself creating a doomsday scenario it’s so much easier to stop it in its tracks and replace it with more positive or at least neutral thoughts. Things that would have majorly upset me in the past are still upsetting because that’s a normal reaction, but don’t feel devastating.”

“It’s funny because I was reflecting earlier this week and I’m currently living the life I was dreaming of 5 years ago. I mean that in the most literal sense. The area I live in is where I said I wanted to, the job I have is with the company I networked with 5 years ago because I knew I wanted in there, and the love I have from my relationships are all I’ve ever wanted.”

“I’ve had so many people comment on how I seem so much happier and lighter. I don’t doubt that it comes directly from putting into practice all of the things that I worked on with Laura. Coaching with Laura was truly one of the best investments I’ve ever made in me!”

– Maryluz

Workshop Feedback

“I just wanted to say that your workshop on developing your own leadership style was truly inspiring. Not only was the message eye opening, but the way you delivered it was admirable.”


“Excellent workshop, thank you. Really hit home for me. I almost cried.”


“I really enjoyed your leadership style workshop. It was such a refreshing perspective on different individual leadership styles. I’m still working on trying to understand how I need to be and your presentation gave me insight that maybe there isn’t a ‘need to be’. So inspiring.


Photography by Kelli Radwanski