From Feeling Lost To Brave & Confident in One Day

My coach totally called me out last week.

We were talking about the vision for my business and my life, and she asked me if I’m showing up in alignment with who I know I want to become in the future.

And it turns out, I’m not! 

I’m still hiding. Because I had a thought in my head that the person who I’m becoming is different from the person who I’ve been in the past (duh).

Even though I’ve done a SHIT TON of work on letting myself be seen, speaking out, and taking action in alignment with my values, I was still holding myself back because it seemed to me that the future me was even more intense, even more intuitive, even less tolerance for b.s., and therefore even more scary to people.

And although I know intellectually that I want to shine the light of all of who I am, I still felt weird doing it. But by hiding, I was feeling lost in determining how I should show up.

So I got to coaching myself.

Here’s what I did:

I questioned the thoughts about my personality, and who I am in the world.

I questioned whether the actions that I’ve taken in the past really mean something about me in the future.

I questioned my ability to change.

And here’s what I’ve found:

Personality is just a construct that we make up to help us understand ourselves better.

Personality isn’t something intrinsic to us, built into us that we can never deviate from.

Just because I have acted one way in the past does not mean that I need to keep doing that into the future, especially if it’s not serving me or the world.

Believing that personality is a construct means that I get to just TAKE ACTION FROM ALIGNMENT WITH MY VALUES. No matter what that looks like.

By changing how I show up, some people might be confused, or even disappointed. This is ok.

After doing this self coaching, I took some time to let these thoughts resonate in my body. I checked with my intuition and higher knowing.

Thinking all of these thought feels like freedom to me.

And that’s the space I want to create from.

Thoughtwork is powerful, and when it’s paired with your intuition and embodiment of the thoughts, there’s no stopping you.

Until Next Time,


P.S. I have appointments available for free consultations!  If you’re ready to learn how to manage your mind to create epic results in your life, you need to book one.

Click here to book your spot!

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