Your Body Is On Your Side

After I had kids, I remember feeling like my body had betrayed me.
I was physically someone I didn’t recognize.
My childbirths didn’t go to plan (and you know I had a 7 page birthing plan written out…and it definitely did not go down like that).
I had put on over 50 pounds with each pregnancy.
Breastfeeding was not making the weight come off.
Movement felt excruciating. I didn’t want to jump or run, I was just too uncomfortable. This was so hard for me, since I had been extremely active before.
In addition to my own thoughts about my body, as women, especially as women in male-dominated technical fields, we constantly get either subtle (or explicit) messaging that our bodies are wrong. Or unwelcome. That even existing in a women’s body is inconvenient.
I didn’t realize at the time that by thinking that my body had betrayed me, I was creating a rift that was causing the exact results that I didn’t want.
I can’t erase the messaging that society puts out there, but once I see it I can then make a conscious choice as to how I want to react.
Same with my own thoughts. Once I make them conscious, I was able to then choose thoughts that did produce the results that I wanted, which was to have a loving relationship with my own body.
Your body is always on your side. No matter what. Your body is a source of knowledge and wisdom. And you can choose thoughts that honor that.

If you’re ready to learn how to evaluate systems and use your mind to create the results that you want, let’s work together. Next step is to message me to book your free consultation. On the call we’ll see what those thoughts are that are holding you back, and create a clear path to get you to where you want to go.

Book your consultation here.

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