Here’s the truth:
Even though I logically know that being mean to myself doesn’t make change happen any quicker or goals easier to hit, sometimes I still do it.
These neural pathways are well worn, I’ve had over 30 years of practice doing it this way. Beating myself up as a way to push harder, produce more, be better.
Because my brain is scared that it’s not good enough, that I don’t know enough, that I’m not enough.
And I have produced some amazing results with this method. I’ve also created some really intense cycles of burnout and stress.
But what I also know is the truth is that there’s another way.
I can be kind to myself and hold space for my humanity AND hit my goals.
I’ve done it. And it feels a hell of a lot better.
I can put my hand on my heart, ask myself what I need, and hold space for whatever comes up.
And when I can really see myself as a person and not just a unit of production, that’s when the magic happens.
Creativity flows, goals get blown past, and things feel good.
So I’m practicing being kind to myself every single day. Because I know that the other way doesn’t end up working out so well. Because I want more for myself. Because I want my kids to see a different way modeled for them.
What would it mean to do that for yourself?
If you’re ready to change the way that you approach your goals, come work with me. I’ll show you how to work hard and get what you came for without the stress and burnout.
Book your free consultation here.