2021 Goal Setting Intensives

I’ve decided to do something super fun for all of the folks who sign up for one on one coaching with me before the end of the year.

We’re going to kick off our three months together with 2021 goal setting intensives.

This year has given us all a lot to think about, and many of us are looking to start with a clean slate and a renewed sense of possibility in 2021. 

And I want to help you do that.

SO! to turbocharge your your goals for next year we’re going to start off our coaching relationship developing your action plan to get you there!

During the first three sessions we’ll talk about all of your goals and dreams as well as the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Then we’ll develop that action plan.

We’ll talk about what’s held you back or tripped you up that has kept you from achieving your goals, and we’ll develop a plan so that you don’t repeat the past.

And of course, throughout our time together I’ll also teach you how to coach yourself through daily mindset exercises so that you know how to course correct when you drifting off track.

And the beauty of this work is that it doesn’t only apply to the goals we discuss on the calls. Once you learn the mindset tools you can apply them to literally any area of your life to get the results you want.

When you sign up for one on one coaching you’ll get a goal setting workbook to do your pre-planning as well as any additional worksheets for things that come up during the sessions as applicable!

We don’t have to keep repeating the same year over and over again.

Let 2021 be the year that you really go for it. 
No matter what that “it” is, I got you. 
I can help you with career, relationships, kids, habits that you’d like to change, weight, overwhelm, anxiety. 
If you consider yourself a Type-A or analytical/logic driven woman I understand how our brains work and I know how to help.

If this sounds like something that you’re interested in, let’s talk!

You can book your free consultation here.

We’ll spend an hour together talking about what’s happening in your life right now, what you want your life to look like moving forward, and what it’s going to take to close the gap.
If it seems like I’m the right coach for you, I’ll ask you if you want to work with me.
If not, I’ll point you in the right direction to get the support that you want. 
Either way you’ll walk away with a lot more clarity on your goals than you had before you got on the call.

Coaching is easily the most affordable and fastest way to guarantee your own results for the entire year (and working with a coach on your dreams and goals is super fun).

Are you in?

Let’s do this!

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