Anti-Racism Plan

Our anti-racism work will never be done. 

This work is not personal development for white people. It’s not to make white people better people. It’s a critical reeducation and unlearning.

Lives are at stake.

Here’s the anti-racism plan that I committing to:

– I will continue to amplify, uplift, and pay Black women through sharing their work, supporting their fundraising, and paying them through attending their workshops, buying their books and hiring them.

(If you’re interested in hiring a Black life coach, you can find a directory here.)

– I have subscribed to Rachel Cargle’sThe Great Unlearn to continue my anti-racism education.

– I commit to having the uncomfortable and absolutely necessary conversations about racism within my own family, my community, my workplace, and my business.

– This month I am taking Catrice M. Jackson’s 30 Day Crash Course for White Women. 

(Catrice’s work makes me the most uncomfortable, and that’s how I know that that’s where my work is. If you decide to follow Catrice please know that she is not here for anyone’s shit. Keep your fragility off of her page.)

– Continue to make reparations to Black women in the amount of 5% of my sales each month.

(If you’re not familiar with reparations, read about it herehere, and find Catrice’s take on how we can’t wait on reparations from the government here.) 

I’m sharing my plan with you so that I can be accountable to it.

I also believe that it’s important for me to explicitly state my support.

Not once, not for one week, but always.

“If you don’t have an anti-racism plan, you plan to be racist.” – Catrice M. Jackson

For some resources on anti-racism, Rachel Ricketts has put together an amazing list that you can find here. If you find it useful, please pay her for her time and energy in putting it together.

I encourage you do continue to do your work. Do it in your home, in your workplace, and in your community.

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