Dangerous Times Call For Dangerous Women

I saw this title of a TED talk that came up in my podcast list this week, and I kind of loved it.

I got me thinking. What makes a woman dangerous? What makes me specifically dangerous?

I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, so I don’t know what context it’s discussed in on there. But for my analysis, I’m going to consider these questions with respect to what’s considered dangerous to the systems of our culture that seek to oppress women.

Here’s what I’ve come up with:

  1. I’m dangerous because I’m willing to feel any feeling. That’s right, I’m willing to feel it all. Shame, guilt, the feeling of not being liked, the experience of failure, the sting of criticism. They’re all just feelings, and I know how to process those.
  2. I’m dangerous because I’m willing to do hard things. Repeatedly.
  3. I’m dangerous because I’m willing to speak truth to power and I refuse to compromise my values.
  4. I’m dangerous because I perform analysis on the systems that I live and work in so that I can see what gears are grinding below the surface.
  5. I’m dangerous because I trust my intuition. I trust that I know what’s best for me. I don’t need anyone else’s blessing or permission.
  6. I’m dangerous because I am willing to do things imperfectly in an effort to move equality forward.
  7. I’m dangerous because I am willing to express my fierce love and compassion, even in situations where that’s not the norm.
  8. I’m dangerous because I’m willing to put in the work. And I’m consistent as f***.

If this doesn’t make me terrifying, I don’t know what does.

What makes you a dangerous woman?

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