Summer Reading List!

When I was a kid, summers were all about reading.  I loooooooved to get the suggested reading list from school and plot which titles I would borrow first from the library.

My very patient parents would take me to the library all of the time, and let me take home a giant stack of books.

Not much has changed!  Reading is still the main way that I experience joy and relaxation.

Here’s what’s on my reading list for this summer!

1. Good Omens– Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett

I recently listened to the Neil Gaiman interview on Tim Ferriss’s podcast, and it reminded me of how much I love Neil Gaiman.  So I put this one on my to be read list!  It’s also now an Amazon Prime series and I heard it was excellent, so I’m looking forward to tackling both the book and the show!

2. I Am Her Tribe– Danielle Doby

Poetry is something that I’ve gotten more interested in recently, as sometimes I only have a few minutes and want to just read a page that will get me thinking, inspire me, or encourage me to feel.  This collection of poetry seems perfect for doing just that.

3. Big Magic– Elizabeth Gilbert

The creative process is interesting to me, and I’m always excited to learn new ways to experiment with my own creativity in the many forms that I express myself in.  Looking forward to reading this one, as I’ve seen so many people rave about it!

4. Shut Up and Run– Robin Arzon

My husband bought me a Peloton bike for Mother’s Day this year and I’m totally in love!  Robin is one of my favorite instructors and I’ve been taking her rides for over a year, first on the app and now on the bike.  Peloton has definitely rekindled my inner athlete, and I’m excited to hear more words of wisdom and motivation from Robin!

5. Becoming Supernatural– Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books are wildly popular, and from the description of this one I can understand why.  I  think that so many of us are interested in developing a further understanding of the human capacity.  Digging into this one is going to be fun!

6. BARE– Susan Hyatt

I deeply believe in embodiment as an essential part of women’s leadership.  But how can we be embodied when we hate our bodies?  I am learning how to coach around this topic even more, and Susan’s method and energy resonates with me.  This is my second read of this book.  Let’s go on the journey to free ourselves from societal conditioning of what our bodies should be.

7. City of Girls– Elizabeth Gilbert

Not gonna lie, I picked this book up because I like the colors of the cover.  But reading the description of the book was enough to have this one make the TBR list, as it’s about a woman reflecting on her unapologetic life.

8. We Hunt the Flame– Hafsah Faizal

Fantasy and magic told from a very different perspective than an old white dude.  I’m here for it.

What’s on your summer reading list!?!?

Any of these books sound interesting to you?

As part of the Summer Sweetness coaching program, you get two of these books sent to you!

Check out the details on all of the goodness that goes along with the program here:

Summer Sweetness Coaching Program!

Enrollment for Summer Sweetness will stay open through midnight ET on June 21.

There’s also a great early action taker’s bonus, so if you’re in sign up before midnight on June 14 to get in on that!

Let’s make this your best summer yet!

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