What’s Your Big Goal? (Career Planning Part 2)

The next step in creating your career plan is to put down on paper what your big life goal is. Grab your journal and let’s get started!

What is the huuuuuuge life goal that you have for yourself?

Nothing is too big for this step.

Want to be CEO of a Fortune 500 Company?

Awesome, journal about it.

Want to eventually quit your corporate job and start up your own business?

Cool. Write it down.

(If you haven’t yet done the exercise from Part 1, go back and do it now! Check it out here.)

Get down into the details of what this looks like for you.

Spend some time visualizing this big goal and living it in your head.

How would you feel once you’re there? What does your day look like?

How have the skills and strengths that you identified in Part 1 of this process contribute to your success in this big life goal?

What if you don’t know what your big life goal is?

Then let’s focus on the details of the picture to eventually zoom out and see what we’ve conjured.

How do you want to feel going into work every day?

What does your day look like in your ideal future vision of yourself?

Are you in the corner office?

Are you on a farm?

How much money do you make?

Where are you living?

What are you wearing?

Think about these questions for a bit, then write out a few ideas for positions that would give you these things/feeling!

This step might take some practice to get into. I recommend setting aside a little time each day to get quiet and sit with yourself and really think about what feels like a soul yes for you at this point in terms of your big life goal. You can find what feels most aligned by using your intuition and tapping into getting to that yes that you just know is true for you.

If you need to, go back to the intuition building exercise of asking yourself easy questions that you know the answers to/know to be true and see where you feel that in your body. Then go into asking yourself questions and answering them (internally) incorrectly and figure out how a soul no feels in your body.

Another way to tap into whether something is a soul yes is if you feel expansive when thinking about an option. If you feel contracted, then it’s a no.

Once you identify how a yes and a no feels, you can use that intuition to guide your future plans.
Go ahead and work through this for a bit every day this week. Journal on it.

It’s really powerful to put into words, and down on paper, what your specific big life goal is! You may even get new perspective just from doing this part.

Next week we’ll tie everything together in developing a plan for the future!

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