I know the right & best way to shop at my supermarket.
Yep, I do. Just ask my husband.
I write my grocery list in order, from the first produce aisle down to the last meat section.
From there, it’s a straight shot to checkout (never the one closest to the deli counter though, too many people swarming around there).
Does my methodology soothe my brain and make shopping feel easy and tolerable?
Yep. Absolutely.
Does my husband hate it when I try to impose my shopping methodology on him and tell him that he’s doing it wrong?
Also yes. Absolutely.
And while I know that there’s no one “right way” and it doesn’t really matter how I do the shopping, my brain still says “yeah but why TF would you not want to optimize it!”.
If this is all sounding a little too familiar to you, listen up.
Take a look at where else your brain might be doing exactly this TO YOU!
The constant need to optimize, or to do it right, this all or nothing thinking, can really trip us up when we’re starting something new (like working on a new goal).
Our brains will want to beat us up. Tell us we’re doing it wrong, not doing it in the most efficient way.
Or, it’ll keep us in the planning phase, where we constantly revise and perfect our plan and our calendar when what we really need to do is take action and get started.
We need to let ourselves be messy sometimes.
This is how we make progress towards what we really want.
Until Next Time,
P.S. If this sounds like you, and you’re ready to take action on your goals and put that brain to work FOR you instead of against you, I have appointments available for free consultations this week!
On the call I will help you identify what’s holding you back and what give you action steps to get the results that you want faster.
Click here to book your spot!